Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Descargar Catalogo de Las Antiguedades de Costa Rica (1892) D Julio De Arellano pdf

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The idea of the “Discourse” came as a realization that as an Elected Grand Lodge Officer there was not enough communication between the members of the Craft; regardless of whether it was between Brothers in the Lodge, Lodge Officers to Members, District Officers to Lodges and Members, or Grand Lodge to all its Members. After much thought, it was obvious that I would either be part of the problem or part of the solution, so I decided on the latter and started a newsletter called the “Discourse” in an effort to communicate with those who sought further knowledge and wanted to improve themselves in Masonry. These missives were distributed over the course of nearly three years and addressed a variety of topics related to Masonry. Some of these messages can be applied to our lives, personal or professional. A Brother looking to improve himself in Masonry and assist his Lodge in the government of it, will find in the content herein different views and choices on how to conduct Masonic Negocios in a way that would bring harmony and prosperity to Lodges and peace of mind to the Brother that wants to see his Fraternity do better. The newsletter, from its very first issue.
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Catalogo de Las Antiguedades de Costa Rica (1892) libro D Julio De Arellano
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